Today, the Congressional Progressive Caucus introduced:
The Medicare Extension of Drugs to Seniors (MEDS) Plan
It is a genuine Medicare prescription drug proposal.
*Ê All Medicare beneficiaries are eligible when they enroll in Medicare
*Ê Initially, the premium is $24/month
*Ê All necessary FDA-approved medications are covered
*Ê The plan pays 80%, with no deductible
*Ê When phased in, catastrophic coverage begins at $5000
*Ê Maximum out-of-pocket expense is $1600/year
*Ê Low income individuals would have costs subsidized
*Ê Pharmaceutical firms would be subjected to “reasonable price”
*Ê The benefit would be publicly administered
A description of the plan is available at:
This plan warrants massive grass roots support!Ê Begin organizing now!