Physicians Promote Universal Health Care
May 21, 2001
"Several prominent physicians, fed up with 'market-based medicine' have banded together to advocate for single-payer national health insurance." by Amy Snow Landa
Quentin Young, M.D., commenting on a conversation he had with Rep. John Conyers Jr.:
"I represented to him that the leaders of medicine are no longer to be painted with one stripe as conservative, even reactionary obstacles to universal health care, but that leadership is taking quite a different tack, and he accepted my comments and challenged me to produce that group."
Comment: This is yet another article on the pivotal, landmark meeting of several Congressional caucuses and the Physicians' Working Group for Single-Payer National Health Insurance. The objectivity of this article is to be commended considering that this is a publication of the American Medical Association.
A picture of our Santa Barbara friends:
Thanks to Robert Bernstein, Chair, Sierra Club - Santa Barbara Group