New slideshow by Darcy Haber
PNHPers may be interested in this new Powerpoint slideshow by Darcy Harber. Download it here.
Additional text:
We had a great HC speaker training yesterday -- thanks so much to all of you who participated. As I have promised many of you, attached please find the power point presentation I used. Of course, you are all welcome to use it and modify it to fit your needs. And I welcome any additional suggestions/changes/additions you have so I can continue to improve my version!
And now for some good news for a change . . .
From today's WSJ (article not on website)
75% of respondents favor a Canadian-style health-care system in which the government pays for health care through taxes and negotiates fees directly with doctors. 73% of respondents who support that idea would still support it if their taxes increased as a result, the survey showed.
Nearly a third of respondents chose "controlling health care and prescription drug costs" when asked to choose the most important of six issues that need attention of state government.