Posted on April 19, 2003

Dr. Dean's Dr. Dynasaur


Brattleboro Reformer
April 19, 2003
Dr. Dynasaur cost hikes worry some
By Toby Henry

Local legislators on Friday voiced concerns about proposed increases to monthly premiums, as high as 400 percent in some cases, for families enrolled in the Dr. Dynasaur program.

Dr. Dynasaur, a Medicaid-based program introduced in 1989 to help extend preventive care to children under 18 and pregnant women, has monthly premiums ranging from $20 to a high of $50 for qualified families. According to the Office of Vermont Health Access, approximately 56,000 children and expectant mothers are enrolled in the program across the state.

Under the proposal, premiums for enrollment in the Dr. Dynasaur program would increase from $20 to $81 per month for families with incomes are between 185 and 225 percent of the federal poverty line.

Based on a study from the Vermont Public Interest Research Group, an estimated 19,000 people could leave Dr. Dynasaur and other health-care programs if the premiums go up.

"That's not what we should be doing if our goal is to provide Vermonters with accessible, quality, affordable health care," (Rep. Michael) Obuchowski said.

"What's happening now is that there's so many profit centers (in the health-care system) and so many special interests protecting those profit centers that change is difficult," he said.

"What is happening is that as our economy contracts, people who have health insurance from their employers have to pay more in status-quo situations. It's a situation that, cost-wise, to everyone -- employers and employees alike -- is out of control. The system is broken, but we're only treating the symptoms."

A long-term solution to the health-care concerns of all Vermonters, Obuchowski said, is the passage of a statewide single-payer health care bill.,1413,102~8862~1336550,00.html

Comment: Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, in his campaign for the Democratic nomination for president, cites the "successful" Dr. Dynasaur program of his state as part of his proposal for health care coverage for everyone. As with other programs designed for low-income individuals, Dr. Dynasaur is vulnerable to policy changes that force beneficiaries out of the program and into the ranks of the uninsured.

Rep. Obuchowski is correct. Our broken system needs to be replaced with a single payer program if we wish to assure permanent, affordable access to comprehensive care for everyone.