Bob LeBow says that it is time to create a movement for reform
A special update from Bob and Gail LeBow
(For those new to the list, Bob LeBow is a very special person. He is former president of Physicians for a National Health Program and author of "Health Care Meltdown," published at the time of his bicycle accident six months ago. Although he is now a respirator-dependent quadriplegic, he vows to continue to use what energy he still has on behalf of the cause of health care justice.)
Dear Friends,
Each day brings its own surprises.and a lot of the surprises have been good ones. Yesterday marked six months since the day of Bob's accident. His progress continues to be a blessing. Thanks to a wonderful friend, Bob now has 3 sets of glasses in various combinations for reading, distance and computer.
Bob's first "reading assignment" was an email attachment from friends who sent an "executive summary" of Health Care Meltdown and an announcement about the Single-Payer legislation (the National Health Insurance Act bill) that will be introduced in Congress on February 4 (by Representative John Conyers, D, MI). Bob read one page aloud to me and followed along as I read the other pages aloud to him. He continues to be energized by the subject of health care reform. After we finished reading the email we had a wonderful conversation. Here are a few of Bob's comments:
"I think the time has come to do what is right for us as a nation and for the American people. We have the means to do it and we can develop the will to make it happen. (I'm barely able to breathe and I'm still fighting.) We will win and we will do what's right. (I'm running out of energy.) I think it has great potential. I'd like to see people create a movement that will inspire Americans to really do something about it. An inspiration to bring change - making people healthy - reaching the goal of improved health care for all. My energy quotient is miniscule but inspired by the goal of fair health care for all."