No health care for AMA's janitors
News from the Metro Washington Council,
AFL-CIO February 3, 2003
SHOW YOUR LOVE FOR JANITORS: DC janitors will march to the American Medical Association on Valentine's Day to highlight their need for health care. Contracts covering more than 4,000 DC janitors (members of SEIU 82) expire April 30th and health care is a top issue on the table. AMA headquarters are cleaned by janitors who receive no health care benefits, despite AMA claims to be working on addressing the disparity between the world's most advanced health care system and the lack of health care among many minority groups in the United States. SEIU Local 82 members will join janitors and other supporters in spotlighting their fight for health care for all janitors in the nation's capitol.
Disconcerting facts about DC janitors from SEIU Local 82: