Seniors oppose current Medicare bill
News Release
Nov. 19, 2003
Poll: Seniors Oppose Medicare Bill in Congress
By an almost two-thirds majority, senior Americans say Congress and the White House should work for a better Medicare prescription drug plan than the one offered in a bill the House and Senate are set to vote on this week, according to a new nationwide survey. Only 19 percent of those polled say Congress should pass the current bill.
Peter D. Hart Research Associates conducted the poll of voters ages 55 years and older Nov. 18-19 for the AFLCIO after details of the bill-merged from earlier House and Senate-passed versions were released.
Respondents overwhelmingly view the drug plan unfavorably (65 percent to 26
The poll also found 65 percent unfavorably view the bill’s increase in subsidies for private HMOs and move toward privatizing Medicare.
Comment: Why are so many legislators supporting a bill that the people don’t want? And why don’t they craft a bill that the people do want? And why do we keep reelecting a non-responsive Congress?