President Bush on 9/11
The White House
September 10, 2005
President’s Radio Address
On Sunday, our nation will observe the fourth anniversary of the September the 11th terrorist attacks. Every American has memories of that day that will never leave them. We remember the images of fire and terror at the Pentagon, in Pennsylvania, and in the heart of New York City.
We remember the ruthlessness of those who murdered the innocent and took joy in their suffering. We remember the courage of the police and firefighters and rescue personnel who rushed into burning buildings to save lives, knowing they might never emerge. And we remember the victims — moms and dads, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, husbands and wives — and the loved ones they left behind.
As night fell on America on September the 11th, 2001, we felt grief and great sorrow. Yet we also saw that, while the terrorists could kill the innocent, they could not defeat the spirit of our nation. The despair and tragedy of that day were overcome by displays of selflessness, courage and compassion.
Today, America is confronting another disaster that has caused destruction and loss of life. This time the devastation resulted not from the malice of evil men, but from the fury of water and wind.
Our greatest resource in such times is the compassionate character of the American people, because even the most destructive storm cannot weaken the heart and soul of our nation.
Comment: Today we all mourn the terrible tragic loss of 3000 lives on 9/11/01. Mere words cannot express our thoughts…
In the two months following 9/11/01, another 3000 American lives were lost… merely due to the delay in access to health care because of lack of health insurance. A few of us also mourn that tragic loss… and the loss of another 3000 lives the following two months… and another 3000 the two months after that… and… and…
Since 9/11/01, twenty-four times we have duplicated the tragic loss of 3000 lives.
Is the “compassionate character of the American people” solely dependent on television images from CNN or Fox News? Does “the heart and soul of our nation” really require electronic cable feed for sustenance?