KPBS debate on HSAs
These Days:
What is consumer-directed health care?
Tom Fudge
Feb. 1, 2006
In his State of the Union address, President Bush pushed for the expansion of tax-free health savings accounts. Host Tom Fudge talks with two doctors on opposing sides of the issue to debate the pros and cons of consumer-directed health care.
Dr. James Knight. A local urologist and CEO of Consumer Directed Health Care Incorporated.
Dr. Don McCanne. Senior health policy fellow of Physicians for a National Health Program.
For the KPBS archived audio of this 14 minute debate on HSAs:
Comment: Activists in the health care reform movement may want to save this link since it can be used to educate the public on health savings accounts (HSAs). The debate centers around what HSAs pretend to be and what they really are.