Fact-checking the Democratic Candidates on Health Care
infoZine Staff
Kansas City infoZine
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Politics: The National coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Program
Washington, D.C. - Institute for Public Accuracy - infoZine - National coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Program, Quentin Young, M.D. ( info@pnhp.org ) said yesterday: “It was ironic to hear Clinton talk about standing up to the the insurance companies. She’d tried to work them into her plan, which is a large part of why it failed. The biggest insurance companies actually backed her plan for a time while the smaller ones opposed it.
“Edwards is giving a false impression when he says that there’s no way to have universal coverage without raising taxes. We could cover everyone with a single payer system for the same amount of money that we’re paying now. This would mean money going to a single payer — like Medicare is run now — instead of the insurance companies. For about 95 percent of people it would mean less total costs. However, neither Clinton, Edwards or Obama are adopting such a plan, probably because it would clash with the interests of the insurance and drug companies, who are major funders.” www.pnhp.org