Pennsylvania House Bill 1660 is undergoing revisions — pulling out the medical malpractice section; pulling out the collective bargaining portion that organized labor intially wanted but now does not; and pulling out the descriptive language that lays out what the Pennsylvania Healthcare Trust Fund would look like in detail. The leaner, meaner, single-payer, comprehensive, universal bill will, undoubtedly, attract more support than the 37 members (compared to Rendell ’ s 11 sponsors of HB 700) already signed on with the “Family and Business Healthcare Security Act.”
Having met now with 52 lawmakers, House and Senate, Republican and Democrat — only one Democrat and one Republican have closed the door on further discussions. Virtually all other members have dismissed Gov. Rendell ’ s HB 700 as a “non-starter,” a “bureaucratic nightmare on top of a bureaucratic nightmare,” “completely illegal by federal ERISA standards,” “politically unworkable,” “supportable only by Democratic leaders who depend on the Governor for money and favors,” “an incoherent crap-shoot,” and worse (unpublishable by our family-friendly standards). Still, Rendell sycophants in the media continue to give the Governor ’ s approach “a chance.” Don ’ t be fooled. I have yet to find an editorial board member who has both read HB 700 and still holds to the above belief. Once we make them familiar with the particulars of HB 1660, however, they readily drop their glowing praise of HB 700 and begin to embrace HB 1660. Time, economics, and morality are all on our side.
Once the “Family and Business Healthcare Security Act” is formally amended this fall, once our economic impact study is completed this fall, and once hearings begin (hopefully, this fall) — comparing our bill with the Governor ’ s and the GOP ’ s “healthcare savings accounts” — the choice will become increasingly obvious to those who want to save lives, save dollars, and save our economy.
More to follow… We ’ re planning a rally soon, so stay tuned! And keep your eyes out for events, letter-writing opportunities, and chances to lobby your House and Senate members.
Remember, we can only succeed if you contribute hard-earned DOLLARS, feed us INFORMATION, and join the FIGHT for comprehensive, quality, healthcare for all Pennsylvanians — and, by example — for all Americans. As the only state in the union with a Governor committed to signing our single-payer healthcare upon reaching his desk, Pennsylvania is at the forefront of the single-payer movement!
Yours in solidarity,
Chuck Pennacchio, Ph.D.
Executive Director, Health Care for All Pennsylvania