A simple solution
Bangor Daily News
Letter to the Editor
August 26, 2009
Let’s build on what works!
America invented Medicare; it is uniquely American. It is a proven, well-liked and efficient system. So why not just expand it so the rest of us can enjoy it?
If seniors feel they need to supplement what Medicare doesn’t cover, they go out and buy it from private insurance companies. So why can’t the rest of us do the same? Why do we have to create a whole new unproven system like a “health care exchange” or “public option”?
The old saying, “KISS — Keep It Simple Stupid,” is what is missing in the current health care reform debate.
We don’t need an incomprehensible 1,017-page health care reform plan like Congress’ HR 3200, which they can’t even ex-plain to their constituents.
I think most people would agree that if Medicare is good enough for our parents and grandparents, it’s good enough for us. So, I propose the follow-ing health care reform bill, which will meet the primary objectives for reform — affordable, universal, sustainable and equitable.
The KISS Healthcare Reform Act: Change every reference to the “age 65” in Medicare to read “age 0”; change the 2.8 percent Medicare funding in FICA to 9.9 percent; changes take effect January 2011.
Medicare is not perfect, but it’s a great place to start. We can work on improving it later as a separate issue.
Jerry Call
South Thomaston