Posted on July 28, 2009

John Geyman's "The Cancer Generation"


The Cancer Generation: Baby Boomers Facing a Perfect Storm

by John Geyman
Common Courage Press

You can be sure that cancer will be a part of your life. You’ll either get it - nearly half of all men and more than a third of women will. Or you’ll have a close friend who gets it, or be the child of someone who gets it, or the spouse of someone who has it, or in the worst case scenario, be the parent of a child struggling with cancer. You cannot help but stand on the battlefield of the war against cancer. How America wages this war is leaving an indelible mark on your life.

Cancer is now on track to replace heart disease as America’s leading cause of death within the next few years. This is a fight we have to win. Are we winning? And if we are off target, what changes are imperative for victory? Everything we discuss here focuses on these two questions.

So What Will Happen?

Lives hang in the balance on the answer to this question. The future down our current path is crystal clear - and devastating. Deregulated markets and the corrosive effects of profits over service over many years have brought U.S. health care to a crisis point. Because of soaring costs, patients with cancer are finding effective care increasingly unaffordable. Health care has entered a perfect storm, and it is certain to get much worse without real reform. Our primary care infrastructure is collapsing. ERs are overwhelmed, the ranks of the unemployed are rising quickly, adding to the numbers of uninsured. The economy has tanked, the federal deficit is massive, many states are forced to cut Medicaid to the bone, and our presumed safety net is falling apart.

Meanwhile, market stakeholders increase their efforts to maintain the status quo. The private insurance industry calls for the government to change tax policy and keep the subsidies flowing so that insurers can continue to rake off their profits from the system while offloading sicker and lower-income patients onto public programs.


By Don McCanne, MD

No topic could serve as a better proxy for the deficiencies in the financing and delivery of health care in the United States than the ever increasing prevalence and expense of cancer. In The Cancer Generation, John Geyman describes the tragic and costly impact of the cancer burden, but then provides us with hope by describing a plan that would reduce these burdens of cancer.

His eight-point plan for one-tier cancer care stresses not only the importance of single payer national health insurance, Medicare for all, but also describes the great power that our own public national health program would have to strengthen our health care system, enabling everyone to have affordable access to high-quality cancer care if and when needed.