PNHP Press Room
PNHP has background information on single-payer for the press posted here.
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PNHP members in the news

Dr. Oliver Fein on Democracy Now!
Aired: October 29, 2009
Dr. Steffie Woolhandler on CSPAN
Aired: October 21, 2009
Dr. Steffie Woolhanlder on CBS News
Aired: September 17, 2009
Dr. Quentin Young on Democracy Now
Aired: September 10, 2009
Dr. Paul Song on Larry King
Aired: August 18, 2009
Dr. Steffie Woolhandler on Fox News
Aired: August 12, 2009
Dr. David Scheiner on CNN
Aired: July 30, 2009
Dr. Marcia Angell on Bill Moyers Journal
Aired: July 24, 2009
Dr. David Scheiner on Democracy Now
Aired: July 22, 2009
Dr. Aaron Carroll on The Colbert Report
Aired: July 21, 2009
Dr. David Himmelstein on NBC Nightly News
Aired: July 21, 2009
Dr. Greg Silver on WEDU's Florida This Week
Aired: July 16, 2009
Dr. Steffie Woolhandler on the PBS Newshour
Aired: June 26, 2009
Dr. Claudia Fegan on Fox News
Aired: June 18, 2009
Dr. Claudia Fegan on WTTW's Chicago Tonight
Aired: June 15, 2009
Dr. David Himmelstein on Bill Moyers Journal
Over 2,200 veterans died in 2008 due to lack of health insurance - November 10, 2009
150 activists arrested coast-to-coast for Medicare for All - November 5, 2009
Illness often undiscovered and undertreated among the uninsured - October 20, 2009
Senate Finance bill is no solution to health care crisis - October 13, 2009
Single-payer advocate joins doctors' meeting at White House - October 5, 2009
Pro-single-payer doctors seek place at Monday meeting with Obama - October 5, 2009
Harvard study finds nearly 45,000 excess deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage - September 17, 2009
Uninsured figures show mandate-based health reforms don't work - September 10, 2009
Pro-single-payer doctors available to comment on Obama speech - September 9, 2009
New Harvard study reveals that taxing job-based health benefits would hit working families hardest - August 20, 2009
Nonprofit nursing homes provide better care, major study finds - August 19, 2009
New poll shows Canadians overwhelmingly support public health care - August 12, 2009
Single-payer doctors and RNs volunteer at Remote Area Medical in L.A. - August 11, 2009
House vote on single payer will be historic first, doctors' group says - August 5, 2009
Obama's health care reform policy is the wrong prescription, say president's former physician and public health groups - July 30, 2009
Advocates Call on Governor Paterson to Highlight Savings from Single Payer Health Care for All -- Projected to Save $20 Billion annually by 2019 - July 28, 2009
Media advisory: Doctor to tell House Judiciary panel about rising tide of medical bankruptcy - July 27, 2009
Doctors' group backs single-payer amendment to House health care bill - July 17, 2009
Physicians to tell House panels: single payer is only true health reform - June 24, 2009
Single-payer advocate speaks to Blue Dogs on health reform - June 19, 2009
Illness, medical bills linked to nearly two-thirds of bankruptcies: Harvard study - June 4, 2009
Health, life insurers hold billions in tobacco stocks: NEJM article - June 3, 2009
New Report Casts Exclusion of Single Payer Option as a Question of Democracy and Human Rights - May 27, 2009
Doctors, nurses to demonstrate for single-payer health system outside Senate Finance Committee hearing - May 11, 2009
Doctors protest exclusion of single-payer at Senate Finance Committee - May 5, 2009
Cost control, universal care impossible without single-payer health system: Harvard physician - April 23, 2009
Media Advisory: Single-payer supporters to rally at April 6 health forum in Los Angeles - April 3, 2009
Press Release: Single-payer health reform bill introduced in Senate - March 26, 2009
Media Advisory: Single-payer supporters to rally at March 31 health forum in Greensboro - March 26, 2009
Single-payer supporters to rally at March 23 health forum in Des Moines, Iowa - March 19, 2009
Protest set for New England Obama health care forum on March 17 - March 12, 2009
PR: Single-payer health reform supporters to rally at March 12 White House-sponsored forum in Dearborn, Mich. - March 10, 2009
Urgent message to single payer supporters Join us for Obama regional governor's health care summit in Vermont to Insist on Single Payer - March 10, 2009
Single-payer advocates win seats at White House health summit, remarks by Dr. Oliver Fein - March 5, 2009
Doctors urge greater caution, skepticism in prescribing drugs - February 25, 2009
Massachusetts is no model for national health care reform - February 20, 2009
New health care alliance pushes 'Medicare for All' reform - January 29, 2009
U.S. prisoners sicker than believed and have poor access to care - January 15, 2009
PNHP letter to Secretary-designate Tom Daschle, Health and Human Services - December 9, 2008
PNHP letter to Sen. Baucus, Senate Finance Committee - November 19, 2008
The uninsured often donate organs, but rarely receive them - November 17, 2008
Doctors, citing mandate for change, call on Obama, Congress to 'do the right thing' on health reform - November 5, 2008
Beware 'siren song' of privatizers, U.S. doctor tells Canadians - October 7, 2008
Doctors to candidates: enact single-payer health reform - October 6, 2008
Small book on 'single payer' packs surprising wallop - September 16, 2008
Hundreds Gather in Albany to Launch Statewide Single Payer Health Care Coalition - September 15, 2008
Slight drop in uninsured masks deepening problem, doctors say - August 26, 2008
Copy Massachusetts' health reform? Not so fast, researchers say - August 11, 2008
City of Austin backs 'single-payer' health plan - August 7, 2008
Millions of chronically ill, lacking insurance, can't get needed care - August 5, 2008
Pro-single-payer Doctors' Group Announces New Blog - July 9, 2008
Statement of Dr. Quentin Young on "Health Care for America Now" - July 8, 2008
U.S. Conference of Mayors Backs Single-Payer National Health Insurance - June 24, 2008
Doctors to Join National Protests Against Private Health Insurers - June 18, 2008
Democrats in Colorado, New Hampshire back single-payer health plan - May 28, 2008
Labor, Faith, Seniors, Consumer Groups Rally at New York State Capitol in Support of Single Payer Universal Health Care - May 7, 2008
Most doctors support national health insurance, new study shows - March 31, 2008
Clinton vs. Obama on Health Care -- Interviews Available - February 8, 2008
California's health reform failed because mandates are fundamentally flawed as a model for reform - January 31, 2008
Harvard Study Finds Dangerous Increase in Emergency Department Waits Nationwide - January 15, 2008
Doctors Give Massachusetts Health Reform a Failing Grade - Poor Early Outcomes Raise Red Flags, Only Private Insurers Profit - January 14, 2008
Most Free Drug Samples go to the Wealthy and Insured - January 2, 2008
Nation's Largest Medical Specialty Group Endorses Single Payer Health Reform - December 11, 2007
Markets Have Failed in U.S. Health Care - November 30, 2007
1.8 Million Veterans Lack Health Coverage - October 31, 2007
PNHP Experts who can speak on individual mandates for health insurance and the Clinton health plan - September 20, 2007
Middle-Class Americans Join Ranks of Uninsured in 2006 as Private Coverage Shrinks - August 28, 2007
Study: Little Evidence that "Disease Management" Programs Control Health Costs - June 5, 2007
Quality of Healthcare at Least as Good in Canada as in U.S. - May 1, 2007
High Deductible Plans Penalize Women, Middle-Aged Adults, Sick Children - April 2, 2007
Study shows U.S. residents are less healthy, less able to access health care than Canadians - May 31, 2006
Massachusetts Health Reform Bill: A False Promise of Universal Coverage - April 5, 2006
Budget blind to disaster in health care - February 13, 2006
PNHP Board Member on How to Fix the Medicare Drug Benefit - January 19, 2006
1 in 5 Health Care Dollars Used for Insurance Paperwork - November 11, 2005
Projected Savings from Electronic Medical Records Called Illusory - September 14, 2005
Physician Group Decries 859,000 Rise in Uninsured - August 31, 2005
Immigrants' Health Care Costs are Low - July 27, 2005
Bankruptcy Study Highlights Need For National Health Insurance - February 2, 2005
1.7 Million Veterans Lacked Health Coverage In 2003 - October 19, 2004
Number of Uninsured Americans Rises to 45 Million - September 14, 2004
For-Profit Hospitals are Costlier Than Non-Profits - June 7, 2004
Most Physicians Endorse Single-Payer National Health Insurance - February 9, 2004
National Health Insurance Could Save $286 Billion on Health Care Paperwork - January 14, 2004
Majority of Americans Support National Health Insurance - October 20, 2003
Physicians' Group Decries 2.4 Million Rise in Number of Americans Lacking Health Insurance - September 30, 2003
Editorial in Science calls for Debate on Single Payer National Health Insurance - September 25, 2003
Administrative Costs in Market-Driven U.S. Health Care System Far Higher Than in Canada's Single-Payer System - August 20, 2003
Doctors Call for National Health Insurance - August 13, 2003
Physicians' Proposal in JAMA(pdf) - August 13, 2003
Famed HMO Whistleblower and Patients' Rights Ethicist Threatened with Jail - May 23, 2003
Wisconsin Joins State-Led Single-Payer National Health Program Movement with Universal Health Care Bill - March 6, 2003
California Single-Payer Bill Introduced - March 4, 2003
Physicians Propose Solution to Rising Health Care Costs and Uninsured - February 3, 2003
Patients more likely to die in private for-profit dialysis centers, major study finds - November 20, 2002
Number Without Health Insurance Climbs 2.5 million Over Previous Estimate - September 27, 2002
Vermonters Rally for Health Care For All - September 26, 2002
Government Funds 60% of U.S. Healthcare Costs - July 9, 2002
Deaths Rates are Higher at Investor-Owned Hospitals, According to Analysis of 35 million U.S. Hospitalizations - May 28, 2002
"Damaged Care" Premiere Features HMO Whistleblower - May 10, 2002
PNHP's Comments on the ACP-ASIM Proposal for Health Reform - May 5, 2002
Providing Health Insurance to All Could Save Billions on Health Costs - April 10, 2002
1 in 8 Health Care Workers Lack Health Insurance - February 22, 2002
Humana Medical Reviewer Admits to Denying Heart Transplant - February 21, 2002
Quality of Care Lower in For-Profit Nursing Homes than in Non-Profits - August 31, 2001
We Pay for National Health Insurance but Don't Get It - July 5, 2001
Proposal of the Physicians' Working for Single-Payer Health Insurance - May 5, 2001
Sweeping Health Care Reform Proposed by Nation's Top Physicians - May 2, 2001
Single Payer Health Care Hearings Mobilize Progressive Members of Congress, Key Constituencies - May 1, 2001
PNHP Comments on AAFP Reform - January 5, 2001
Despite Economic Boom, Number of Uninsured Drops Only 4 Percent - September 29, 2000
Medical Errors Higher at For-Profit than Not-for-Profit Hospitals, Harvard Study Finds - March 24, 2000
Claim That HMO's Save Money Is Little More Than "Folklore," Health Affairs Study Finds - March 24, 2000
Less Than Half of Americans Have Health Insurance Paid for by Private Employers - September 1, 1999
New England Journal of Medicine Editorial Says Evidence Against For-Profit Hospitals Now Conclusive - August 4, 1999
Quality of Care Lower in For-Profit HMOs than in Non-Profits - July 13, 1999
Majority (57%) of Academic Medicine Physicians Favor Single-Payer - March 24, 1999
U.S. Doctors to Seek Asylum in Canada - November 9, 1998
Number of Americans Without Health Insurance Jumps to 43.2 Million - September 25, 1998
For-Profit Hospitals Costlier and Less Efficient - October 15, 1997
ER Care Is Not Cause of High Health Care Costs, Harvard Study Says - October 15, 1996
Democrats Retreat on Health Care; Doctors Hold Down Fort - August 29, 1996
Doctors Oppose the Democrats' Retreat on Health Care - August 23, 1996
Statement of Dr. Susan Steigerwalt on the Merger of AETNA and U.S. Health Care - April 2, 1996
U.S. Health System Has More Paper Pushers, Fewer Nurses, Study Says - January 1, 1996
Statement of Dr. Quentin Young on the Republican Conference Report on Medicare - November 21, 1995
Physicians' Group Condems AMA Support for GOP Medicare Plan - October 12, 1995