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Health Care Meltdown

by: Bob LeBow, M.D.
Publisher: JRI Press (2002)
ISBN: 0-9710972-1-6 Number of pages: 277
Retail Cost: $16.00

Book Description
Dr. LeBow takes on the entire health system in his new book. He addresses the myths that people use to argue against a national health system, explains why fundamental change is needed in the United States, and gives personal accounts of how corporate care and the lack of insurance have affected his practice and his patients. A must read for policy-wonks and everyday citizens alike.

"I wish I could put this book in the hands of every American. LeBow paints a frighteningly accurate portrait of how our health system fails millions of patients--and issues a call to action to fight for the rememdy: a national health program."

Bleeding the Patient: The Consequences of Corporate Healthcare

by Steffie Woodhandler, et al
Published by Common Courage Press (May 2001)
ISBN: 1567512062  Number of pages: 256  Edition: 1
Full Retail Price: $16.95

Book Description
An update on the 1994 expose that reveals the most Americans would prefer a national health program like Canada's that not only costs less than ours but insures everyone. Why in a democracy, isn't this an option? Where is the choice? There is none when a multibillion dollar insurance industry spreads lies and promotes managed competition, keeping information from the public and spreading lies about the Canadian system.

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Universal Health Care: An Organizer's Packet

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This packet was compiled by the Alachua County Labor Party, and the Gainesville Area National Organization for Women (NOW).

It provides over 120 pages of articles, forms, and information about how to organize for universal health care. The publishers may be contacted at Alachua County Labor Party email or Gainesville NOW email.

Health Care in America: Can Our Ailing System Be Healed?

by: John P. Geyman, M.D.
Publisher: Butterworth Heinemann (2002)
ISBN: 0750673222 Number of pages: 432
Retail Cost: $52.00

Book Description
This pragmatic, objective approach to the complex issues surrounding the United States Health Care System successfully bridges the world of health economists/health analysts/policy makers with that of clinicians. Focusing on the main problems-- escalating costs, limitations of access, and a wide variety of quality care, this unique book helps you better understand the rapidly changing and complex world of health care. Written from a clinical viewpoint, Dr. Geyman sheds light on the urgency and potential direction of health care reform.

Steven M. Markowitz, M.D., Weill Cornell Medical College: "After reading Geyman's introduction, he won my trust. His credentials as a family physician, as well as an academic physician, will appeal to his intended audience."

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Slanting the Story: The Forces That Shape the News

by: Trudy Lieberman
Publisher: The New Press (May 2000)
ISBN: 1565845773 Number of pages: 205
Retail Price: $21.95

Book Description:
Slanting the Story is a powerful and provocative expose of the real "right-wing conspiracy": the well-orchestrated efforts of conservative foundations and thinktanks in recent years to use the media to dominate debates in American policy.

Noam Chomsky: "Throughout the century, business leaders have warned of 'the hazard facing industrialists' in 'the newly realized political power of the masses,' and the need to wage and win 'the everlasting battle for the minds of men' and 'indoctrinate citizens with the capitalist story.' These fears naturally peak when they public shows signs of independent thought and action, as in the 1960s. Trudy Lieberman's illuminating study records the zealous campaing to restore passivity and obedience, and to subordinate opinion, attitude, and policy to the rule of private power. These are important lessons for those committed to the defense and expansion of democracy, freedom, and justice."

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Insuring National Health Care

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by: Malcolm G. Taylor
Publisher: The University of North Carolina Press (1990)
ISBN: 0-8078-1934-4 Number of pages: 254
Retail cost: out of print

Book Description
All Canadians are currently entitled to a full range of medical and hospital services without deductibles or coinsurance, and many Americans are advocating a similar national health insurance program for the United States. In this abridgement of his prize-winning book Health Insurance and Canadian Public Policy: The Seven Decisions That Created the Canadian Health Insurance System and Their Outcomes, Malcolm Taylor provides an instructive account, geared specifically to an American audience, of how the Canadian system of national health insurance evolved over a fifty-year period.

Sidney S. Lee, Harvard Medical School: "Belongs on the bookshelf of everyone engaged in or studying health administration in the US and Canada, as well as abroad."

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Is Inequality Bad for Our Health?

by Norman Daniels, Bruce Kennedy, and Ichiro Kawachi
Published by Beacon Press (2000)
ISBN: 0-8070-0447-2 Pages: 99
Full Retail Price: $13.00

Book Description
Most Americans can agree that something needs to be done about our health care system. but what? in their timely essay, Daniels, Kennedy, and Kawachi reach beyond the current debates, which typically focus on specific plans and policies. Arguing that it isn't enough to increase access to doctors, the authors call for improving social conditions--such as poverty, poor education, inadequate housing, and harmful work environments--that damage our health.

Robert Pinksy: "A civic treasure... a Truly good idea, carried out with intelligence and panache."

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OECD Health Data

OECD Health Software Website

CD-ROM of Health Data

OECD Health Data 2000 is an interactive database comprising systematically collated data on a great number of key aspects of the health care systems in the 29 OECD Member countires within their general demographic, economic, and social contexts.

OECD Washington Center
2001 L Street, NW, Suite 650
Washington, DC 20036-4922

As Sick As It Gets

As Sick As It Gets book cover

By Rudolph Mueller, M.D.
Published by Olin Frederick, Inc.
ISBN: 0-9672357-8-2
Retail Price: $22.95

Book Description
The shocking realities of raging high costs, untold human tragedy and blatant greed are the basis of this compelling case for universal, single payer healthcare in the United States. In a wrenching exposé Dr Mueller documents that the present system is awash in bureaucratic irresponsibility and human suffering, and is unresponsive to the needs of millions of Americans. Using poignant stories of patients from his practice, he puts an intensely human face on those outside the system who must cope with disease, sickness and injury.

Molly Ivins: “A new book by Dr. Rudolph Mueller, As Sick As It Gets: The Shocking Reality of America’s Healthcare, lays out the problems as well as any I’ve read.”

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Subversion of Trust

Subversion of Trust Book Cover

By William T. Close, M.D.
Published by Meadowlark Springs Productions
ISBN: 0-9703371-2-4
Full Retail Price: $25.00

Glenn Close, actress
"The author of this book is a gifted and passionate physician who has lived his life in service to others. His deep love for his chosen profession is expressed in the unswerving ferocity of his vision tempered by his ability to put himself in the shoes of his patients. His novel, Subversion of Trust, puts a face on a profession that seems, at times, to have lost its face and, perhaps, its heart. The writing is tender, uncompromising, tough, clear-eyed and ultimitely full of hpe by a man who embodies all those qualities. I know. He is my Dad."

Professor Kathryn L. McCance, Director of Acut Care Nurse Practitioner Program, University of Utah College of Nursing
"Subversion of Trust is a strong and compassionate drama, brutally honest, that captures the good, the bad, and the ugly of medicine today. Wisely and carefully crafted, it's a novel about power and greed-- the kind that destroys human relationships-- and about courage, the kind that rebuilds them. It is told with grace and grit, and leaves us with an overwhelming sense of gratitude and resolve."

Buy this direct from Dr. Close - If you buy this book directly from Dr. Close's own website, and mention you found it through PNHP, you can purchase the book for $10, with $3 for shipping!

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Clear Answers: the Economics and Politics of For-Profit Medicine

By Kevin Taft, Gillian Steward
Published by University of Alberta Press (March 2000)
ISBN: 1552200833   Number of pages: 128
Full Retail Price: $9.95

David Himmelstein, Harvard Medical School
"A powerful indictment of the profit-driven care that is now being foisted on the people of Alberta--and Canada."

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Health Against Wealth: HMOs and the Breakdown of Medical Trust

By George Anders
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company (May 1998)
ISBN: 0395822823   Number of pages: 304   
Full Retail Price: $15.00

Book Description
If you have ever sought pre-approval for a necessary medical treatment, or have had problems arranging appointments with a specialist, or have seen a personal-care physician transferred to a distant clinic, George Anders's book on the growth of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) will confirm your worst fears. A reporter for the Wall Street Journal, Anders provides a series of horrifying case studies: a six-month-old baby who loses his hands and feet after a 42-mile journey to an HMO-approved emergency room; residents of a small town in Tennessee afflicted with an outbreak of a painful bowel infection who find that the drugs needed to suppress the epidemic are not covered; HMOs that select hospitals with low success rates for heart-bypass operations because of cost factors. Anders presents a powerful indictment of the emerging managed-care model for our national health-care system in this disturbing book.

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Profit Fever: The Drive to Corporatize Health Care and How to Stop It

By Charles Andrews
Published by Common Courage Press (May 1995)
ISBN: 1567510566   Number of pages: 150
Full Retail Price: $11.95

From Booklist
Andrews is an advocate of single-payer health-care coverage and was active in the failed 1994 California Proposition 186 campaign to make the single-payer plan law. It is from this point of view that he provides a history of health insurance in the U.S. and argues that medicine has evolved from a profession into an industry. He compares health care in this country with that of other countries, particularly the much-cited Canadian system; and he looks at the failure of health reform plans in Congress. Half his book, though, is devoted to an explanation of the voter-initiated California Health Security Act (Proposition 186), an analysis of the intense lobbying campaign against it, and a discussion of the lessons health-care reform activists can learn from its defeat. Because this is a question that will not soon be settled, libraries would do well to acquire as much material on all sides of the issue as they can. David Rouse

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Universal Health Care: What the United States Can Learn from the Canadian Experience

By Hugh Armstrong, Pat Armstrong, Claudia Fegan (past PNHP President)
Published by New Press, The (June 1998)
ISBN: 1565844106   Number of pages: 192   
Full Retail Price: $24.00

Book Description - Book News, Inc.
This book advocates switching the US system over to a system of universal coverage similar to Canada's. The authors look at the five principles at the core of the Canadian approach: in order to be federally funded, provincial governments must ensure that hospital care and medical care are universal, accessible, comprehensive, portable, and publicly administered. The book then examines the specific mechanisms that bring these principles into practice. Comparisons to the US system are provided throughout. Book News, Inc.®, Portland, OR

Dr. Quentin Young, PNHP National Coordinator
"Eloquently and comprehensively, Universal Healthcare gives the history, the politics and the results of the health system most popular in the world among its beneficiaries - Canada's medicare.  A must read."

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Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach

By Thomas S. Bodenheimer
Published by McGraw-Hill Companies, (April 1998)
ISBN: 0838590756   Number of pages: 322   Edition: 2
Full Retail Price: $34.95

Book Description
Univ. of California, San Francisco. Concise text for medical students, residents, and practitioners on the U.S. health care system. Discusses changes, illness prevention , costs, insurance, quality of care, and more. Seven chapters were previously published as articles in the Journal of American Medicine, from 1994-1996. Softcover.

A concise, clinically oriented introduction to a topic of growing importance and visibility--the structure and function of the U.S. healthcare system. Case examples illustrate fundamental topics such as containment, health insurance, primary care, and physician and hospital payment--and vividly ties policy issues to the practice of medicine.

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Health Care Meltdown
Bleeding the Patient: The Consequences of Corporate Healthcare
Universal Health Care: An Organizer's Packet
Health Care in America: Can Our Ailing System Be Healed?
Slanting the Story: The Forces That Shape the News
Insuring National Health Care
Is Inequality Bad for Our Health?
OECD Health Data
As Sick As It Gets
Subversion of Trust
Clear Answers: the Economics and Politics of For-Profit Medicine
Health Against Wealth: HMOs and the Breakdown of Medical Trust
Profit Fever: The Drive to Corporatize Health Care and How to Stop It
Universal Health Care: What the United States Can Learn from the Canadian Experience
Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach