Mirror, Mirror 2021: Reflecting Poorly; Health Care in the U.S. Compared to Other High-Income Countries, The Commonwealth Fund, August 4, 2021, by Eric C. Schneider
The McCanne Health Justice Monitor is produced by a team of health policy experts and single-payer champions. For more information, and a complete archive of entries, visit the HJM website. For an archive of Quote of the Day entries from Dr. Don McCanne, click here.
Why Antitrust Enforcement Can Only Go So Far in Health Care
Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy, The White House, July 9, 2021
Stop Playing Health Care Antitrust Whack-A-Mole, Bill of Health, May 17,
If the policy is right & the politics are wrong, change the politics!
Newsletter Opinion, The New York Times, August 3, 2021, by Paul Krugman
When you’re a wonk trying to be a pundit — or for that matter
Dental Care Access for the Elderly: A Gaping Shortfall
Medicare and Dental Coverage, KFF, July 28, 2021, by Meredith Freed, et al.
Key Findings:
Nearly half of Medicare beneficiaries (47%), or 24 million people, do
Physicians are unsuited as bill collectors
The Increasing Role of Physician Practices as Bill Collectors Destined for Failure, JAMA, July 30, 2021, by A. Jay Holmgren, et al.
Through increasing deductibles, coinsurance,
Medical Debts Now Surpass All Others, and Likely Shorten Lives
Medical Debt in the US, 2009-2020, JAMA, July 20, 2021, by Raymond Kluender et al.
Data … were obtained from a nationally representative 10% panel of
Medicare Advantage Skips Out on Paying for End-of-Life Care
Medicare Advantage: Beneficiary Disenrollments to Fee-for-Service in Last Year of Life Increase Medicare Spending, U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), June 28, 2021
Medicare Advantage (MA) beneficiaries
Medicare Reduces Racial and Ethnic Disparities
Changes in Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Access to Care and Health Among US Adults at Age 65 Years, JAMA Internal Medicine, July 26, 2021,
Specialists Shun People of Color
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Outpatient Visit Rates Across 29 Specialties, JAMA Internal Medicine Online First, July 19, 2021, by Christopher Cai, et al.
[Using nationally
UnitedHealth profits by not paying for care & the business case for single payer
UnitedHealth Group Earnings: What They Suggest about Patient Access to Care, American Hospital Association, July 15, 2021, by Rick Pollack, AHA President and CEO
Today UnitedHealth
From the Wards: Looking Out at Insurance Barriers to Ongoing Care
By Isabel Ostrer, M.D.
As a first-year internal medicine resident, I entered the hospital eager to both treat patients’ acute illnesses and empower them to stay
Price Transparency’s Illusory Promise
Hospital Prices Must Now Be Transparent. For Many Consumers, They’re Still Anyone’s Guess, KHN, July 2, 2021, by Julie Appleby
The Health 202: Biden Says He’ll