Sanders, Jayapal Put Single Payer Medicare for All on Back Burner, Corporate Crime Reporter, May 10, 2021, by Russell Mokhiber
Single payer activists want Medicare for
The McCanne Health Justice Monitor is produced by a team of health policy experts and single-payer champions. For more information, and a complete archive of entries, visit the HJM website. For an archive of Quote of the Day entries from Dr. Don McCanne, click here.
Sanders, Jayapal Put Single Payer Medicare for All on Back Burner, Corporate Crime Reporter, May 10, 2021, by Russell Mokhiber
Single payer activists want Medicare for
Supreme Court to review Mississippi abortion law that advocates see as a path to diminish Roe v. Wade, Washington Post, May 17, 2021, by Robert
Recent Changes in Physician Practice Arrangements: Private Practice Dropped to Less Than 50 Percent of Physicians in 2020, AMA Economic and Health Policy Research, May
The covid-19 vaccine patent waiver: a crucial step towards a “people’s vaccine”, BMJ blog, May 10, 2021, by Gregg Gonsalves and Gavin Yamey
“An IP waiver
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