Physicians for a National Health Program and Canadian Doctors for Medicare have joined forces to develop a landmark proposal, “Healing an Ailing Pharmaceutical System: Prescription for Reform in the United States and Canada.” Below, please find an economic analysis and supplemental materials related to the proposal. To read media coverage of the proposal, click here. You may also wish to read and/or distribute our one-page handout, which includes a useful summary of the proposal.
One-page handout: Healing an ailing pharmaceutical system
Slideshow: Prescription for Pharmaceutical Reform by Ed Weisbart, M.D.
Table 1: Examples of problems in drug access and pricing in the US and Canada
Table 2: Global evidence of lagging innovation in the drug development process
Table 3: Examples of problems in industry-sponsored clinical trial design
Table 4: Examples of problems in drug approval and regulation
Table 5: Examples of problems in postmarketing surveillance of drugs
Table 6: Examples of problems in drug promotion
Table 7: Estimated effects of proposed reforms on U.S. national pharmaceutical expenditures, 2017 (includes methodology)
Tables 1-7: References