May 1, 2002
Book Review by Jerrold P. Schwartz, M.D.
By David Himmelstein and Steffie Woolhandler with Ida Hellander Common Courage Press
“The seven years since the failed attempt of the Clinton administration to enact health care reform have seen the burgeoning of for-profit corporations in all aspects of health care. Giant health insurance and pharmaceutical corporations, for-profit hospital corporations with hundreds of hospitals, hemodialysis and nursing home chains, mental health and home care corporations, and many others less visible, such as quality-of-care and credentialing companies, are now well entrenched in our uniquely American system of health care and are profiting handsomely. But in the free-enterprise free-for-all, how are patients – and doctors – faring? To find out, read this book.”
“Judging by the tone of the book, the authors clearly uphold the US ideals of democracy and egalitarianism.”
“As advocates for our patients and to preserve the ethical underpinnings of our profession, all US physicians should read this compelling argument for medicine as a public service.”
Comment: “Bleeding the Patient” is available from the publisher, Common Courage Press at: