Los Angeles Times
April 24, 2001
by Matthew Miller
In response to the April 20 headline in the Washington Post, “Insurance Plan Would Help 6 Million, White House Says,” Matthew Miller creates a fictional interview of Dick Cheney by Tim Russert:
Tim Russert: But wouldn’t you agree the problem (uninsured) is bigger now, and we have more money to address it? Dick Cheney: Yes, that’s why we’re taking decisive action. Tim Russert: But how decisive is it for the 37 million uninsured your plan, by your own admission, ignores?
Comment: For a quality two minute break, it will be worth your time to read the interview that, as Matthew Miller says, “the nation needs.” It is available at:
Really, take a break and enjoy this masterpiece.
Tune in to this important webcast
Health Care Reform Hearing A live webcast
May 1 at 10:00 AM to 12 Noon, EDT
Speakers: Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor Sen. Paul Wellstone Rep. John Conyers Dr. Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine Dr. Quentin Young, Physicians for a National Health Program Dr. Rodney Hood, National Medical Association
Rayburn House Office Building, Room 2237 Washington, D.C.
Hosts: Congressional Black Caucus Progressive Caucus