Universal Healthcare Less Costly Than Previously Projected: Harvard/UCSF Study

The Unmasked Truth with Dr. Rob Davidson

By Brenda Gazzar
Code Wack Podcast, December 28, 2020

Featuring Dr. Rob Davidson, practicing emergency room doctor and head of Committee to Protect Medicare. Why is it that an advanced nation like the U.S. has experienced over 2 million COVID-19 infections?  How have factors like the lack of a coordinated federal response and an inadequate health insurance system contributed to our national health tragedy? Host Brenda Gazzar and Dr. Rob Davidson discuss how wearing masks and getting vaccinated would save countless American lives.


(10-second music) 

Welcome to Code WACK!, your podcast on America’s broken healthcare system and how Medicare for All could help. I’m your host, Brenda Gazzar. 

What will it take to stop this unparalleled coronavirus surge in America in 2021? I recently spoke with Dr. Rob Davidson, an ER physician and head of the Committee to Protect Medicare, to get his take on the matter.

So, thank you Dr. Rob Davidson for joining us today on Code WACK! You volunteer as the executive director of the Committee to Protect Medicare, and you also work as an emergency room doctor in rural West Michigan. What are you seeing and experiencing in the ER amid this unprecedented coronavirus pandemic?

Dr. Rob: Well, over the last six to eight weeks I would say, we’ve just seen – like a lot of places in this country – significant numbers of patients with symptoms of COVID-19, significant numbers of sick patients, particularly on their second or third visit after about a week or so, and particularly those people in high risk groups, older people, people with pre-existing conditions are getting hospitalized at unprecedented numbers. And we’re a small rural hospital, a critical access hospital, essentially a minimal number of inpatient beds, ICU beds, and we are frequently running close to capacity, you know, maybe for a day or two at a time here and there a couple times a month. This has just been six straight weeks of every single day of being either at capacity or sometimes beyond capacity — holding people in the ER for multiple hours on end waiting for beds.

And then also end up transferring people around west Michigan to other similar hospitals who might happen to have a bed or to larger tertiary care hospitals who are also experiencing these massive surges. Yeah, I mean it’s just been very sustained,  unprecedented and at some point, the system might not make it. We need a break.

U.S. coronavirus cases and deaths per million people are among the highest in the world. Why do you think this is?

Dr. Rob: Well,  I think it’s certainly multifactorial. I think a lack of a coordinated federal response and in fact, a sort of disinformation campaign from the federal government,  particularly from the (U.S.) president has contributed greatly. I think, particularly in areas where I live. We’re in a very heavy, Republican Trump area. A lot of people still don’t wear masks. People try to tell me that masks cause harm. People have tried to tell me “this is just the flu, that this is no big deal.”

I had a patient who came in the other day who told me she believed that until a neighbor on either side of her at her senior apartment complex died of COVID-19, and she came in sort of as a convert, saying “ okay I get it. This thing is a lot bigger deal than we thought.”

I think that’s part of it. I certainly think that our system in this country of administering health care has contributed to it. I think the many tens of millions without insurance, the 100 million or so who are underinsured, who perhaps at early phases of illness could get treatment now that we have some treatments available, or even people who are getting extremely sick, but waiting it out at home because they don’t want to come in and incur a huge deductible. Or even people with quote-on-quote “good insurance” incur a copay of $250 or $500 just to come to the hospital, only to be told they’re okay, and there’s nothing we could do for them, except cautiously waiting.

I think that all together has contributed to the crazy numbers that we’re seeing here, and will continue to do so unfortunately, until we hopefully get some leadership that can steer us a little better and then hopefully this vaccine has a significant impact over the next six to eight months.

We’re in the midst of an explosive surge right now, as we know. More than 315,000 Americans have died after contracting the virus. What do you think will be essential in stopping its spread?

Dr. Rob: Listen, I think the basics are the most important thing still so if we can somehow convince that third to 40% of the population who doesn’t think masks are important that they are, I think that would be huge. I think if people would simply wear masks when they’re around people not in their direct household or when they’re anywhere indoors with anyone that isn’t in their immediate household, that can help. I think people limiting activity.

I think continuing, unfortunately in some places, in my state this is the case, to keep indoor dining closed but then provide support from the state and/or federal government so that these restaurants and the employees of these restaurants can remain whole, can do their part to help fight the pandemic. I think all of that will have a significant impact and then of course I think widespread delivery of the multiple, coronavirus vaccines that are now coming to market that are now being distributed and injected. I think that will, hopefully, in 6-8 months time get us to that point. Unfortunately we still have 6 to 8 months until most people in this country will have access to the vaccine. So, we still have a lot of the basic public health work to do.

Tell me briefly about the Committee to Protect (Medicare), which you lead. What is it about and what drew you to the organization?

Dr. Rob: So, we’re an organization of doctors across the country.  I believe now in 42 states, we have people actively participating.  Essentially, our overall goal is, as physicians, to elevate voices of other physicians, as advocates for our patients, for affordable health care. It’s as simple as that. Now, the name Committee to Protect Medicare — absolutely,  we believe Medicare is essential, and certainly, there are forces out there that are trying to privatize Medicare through Medicare Advantage plans. But we really want to defend the health care people have currently and expand on that, and expand into more means of affordable health care, including our ultimate goal of a Medicare for All system.

Thank you, Dr. Rob.

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Medicare-for-all would end surprise medical billing

By Ken Lefkowitz
The Washington Post, Letters, December 25, 2020

Regarding the Dec. 22 news article “Congress cuts deal to prevent unexpected medical bills”:

Banning surprise medical billing is praiseworthy. However, it’s much like patching a hole in a worn-out tire that’s leaking in many other places.

The ban makes surprise bills illegal. Instead, health-care providers must negotiate payment with insurers or use arbitration to settle the amount. This relieves the consumer from the burden of payment, but it will increase administrative costs for doctors, hospitals and insurance companies. Because health care operates within the broken free-market framework, these costs will be passed on to the consumer through higher premiums, deductibles and/or co-pays.

Medicare-for-all can solve this, as well as many other health coverage issues, because all residents’ health care would be covered with no co-pays and deductibles. This surely would address the surprise billing issue.

Equally important, overall Medicare-for-all would save money and control costs in the future. Three major studies, one by the University of Massachusetts, another published in the Lancet and another appearing in the Annals of Internal Medicine, have estimated annual savings on health-care spending of about $500 billion.

The writer is a former director of compensation and benefits for major corporations and a member of Physicians for a National Health Program.


Congress bashes private insurers’ antitrust exemption

Senate Approves Repeal of Health Insurers' Antitrust Exemption

By Allison Bell
ThinkAdvisor, December 22, 2020

Members of the U.S. Senate approved H.R. 1418, a bill that would repeal a partial antitrust exemption for health insurers, and for dental insurers, by a voice vote Tuesday.

The House approved an identical version of the “Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act of 2020″ bill by a voice vote Sept. 21.

Congress is now sending the bill to the desk of President Donald Trump.

H.R. 1418 would change part of the McCarran-Ferguson Act of 1945, a law that establishes the framework for how the federal government shares oversight of insurance with state insurance regulators. One section exempts insurers from federal antitrust oversight under the Sherman Act.

H.R. 1418 would add a section that states that, “Nothing contained in this act shall modify, impair, or supersede the operation of any of the antitrust laws with respect to the business of health insurance (including the business of dental insurance and limited-scope dental benefits).”

Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., introduced the bill in the Senate together with Sen. Matt Daines, R-Mont. Reps. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore., and Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., introduced the bill in the House.

Health insurers, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners and the National Council of Insurance Legislators have been defending health insurers’ exemption from federal antitrust regulation for decades.

Matt Eyles, president of America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), said in a statement about passage of H.R. 1418 that implementation of the bill would add layers of bureaucracy to health insurers and destabilize markets.

“Removal of this exemption adds tremendous administrative costs while delivering absolutely no value for patients and consumers,” Eyles said.

Consumer Reports put out a commentary welcoming passage of H.R. 1418.

“The antitrust exemption has essentially allowed health insurers to act as a monopoly, making demands in lockstep on the terms they will offer consumers and health care providers,” the advocacy organization said in a comment on bill passage. “The resulting squeeze puts pressure on providers to cut corners on service in order to increase the profits the health insurers can extract.”


H.R. 1418 – Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act of 2020:


By Don McCanne, M.D.

This little discussed measure passed the Senate by unanimous consent in the wee hours of the morning of December 22 and has been forwarded to President Trump for his signature. It may have historical significance.

In the 1940s, when health insurance was rapidly expanding as an employee benefit, Congress temporarily exempted health insurers from the federal McCarran-Ferguson antitrust laws, except that temporary exemption was never reversed. Efforts to do so have not met with success likely due to Congress’ very cozy relationship with the private insurance industry (check campaign donations for confirmation).

AHIP’s Matt Eyles, who represents the industry that has been responsible for hundreds of billions of dollars in their own administrative waste plus the administrative burden they have placed on the health care delivery system, seems to have suddenly become enlightened to the fact that administrative costs deliver “absolutely no value for patients and consumers.” He said that implementation of this bill would add layers of bureaucracy to health insurers and destabilize markets.

But there is a reason for antitrust laws and that is to prevent abusive monopolistic practices – practices that help explain why health insurance premiums are so high when their innovative products are designed to impair access to health care (high deductibles, narrow networks, benefit exclusions, etc.). The COVID pandemic is demonstrating how well the monopolies are working for the insurance industry considering their record profits while patients are being deprived of health care that they need.

Let’s hope that this bipartisan unanimous consent action in the wee hours of the morning represents the future relationship between the private insurers and Congress. Now that Congress acknowledges the industry for what it is, maybe they will be ready to take the next step. Throw out the private insurers and enact and implement our own single payer improved Medicare for All.

If nothing else, those supporting state efforts for single payer should jump at this opportunity to work with Congress to free up federal barriers to state single payer legislation. It seems like members of Congress may be ready to show the private insurers the door.

Hopefully this is a new day for health care justice in America.

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