By Steve Lohr
Published: December 6, 2004
The New York Times
N Washington, the phrase "universal coverage" is rarely mentioned as the way to provide health insurance for
By Steve Lohr
Published: December 6, 2004
The New York Times
N Washington, the phrase "universal coverage" is rarely mentioned as the way to provide health insurance for
Jonathan Tasini
December 03, 2004
George Bush is beginning to frame his Social Security reform agenda as a way to help workers. That leaves Democrats the opportunity
Another Union for Single Payer Health Care!
Kay Tillow
Kentuckians for Single Payer Health Care
Nurses Professional Organization
1169 Eastern Parkway #2218
Louisville, KY 40217
502 459 3393
General Board of the
Uwe Reinhardt, Ph.D., Professor of Economics and Public Affairs, Princeton
University (personal communication):
Don: Attached is a portrait of what makes America great. Instead of using the
The continuing deterioration of affordability, coverage, and quality in health care makes it imperative that United States policymakers broaden their reform efforts beyond the ineffectual
The Boston Globe, November 27, 2004
Healthcare as a moral imperative
By James J. Mongan
This article was adapted from remarks made Nov. 16 at the Blue
Two UW professors say U.S. could afford health care for all
Administrative bloat blamed for driving up costs
Jesse Hirsch- Portage Daily Register
Criticizing the large amount of
FAIR CARE: Academics and activists discussed changes to the health insurance program to ensure that all citizens receive medical coverage
By Cody Yiu
Wednesday, Nov 24,
New York Times
Health Care Costs
November 23, 2004
To the Editor:
Increasing incentives and competition are not magic potions to control health care costs (Economic Scene, Nov. 18).
By Ellen Goodman
The Boston Globe, 11/15/04
BOSTON -- Toward the end of the campaign, President Bush offered his small variation on JFK's famous line: Ask not
Berkshire Eagle, Lenox, MA
Monday, November 15, 2004
Honoring our troops
By Suzanne L. King M.D.
Last Week we celebrated Veterans' Day. Parades and services honored veterans from past
Everybody knows it will take a lot more than diet and exercise to fix America's health