I. Alan Sager, Ph.D., Professor of Health Services and Co-Director of the Health Reform Program at Boston University School of Public Health, on
For more than 20 years, PNHP’s Senior Health Policy Fellow Don McCanne, M.D. wrote a daily health policy update, taking an excerpt or quote from a health care news story or analysis and commenting on its significance to the single-payer movement.
PNHP has archived Dr. McCanne’s listserv below; to read current daily analysis on a broad range of health justice topics, please visit the McCanne Health Justice Monitor website.
I. Alan Sager, Ph.D., Professor of Health Services and Co-Director of the Health Reform Program at Boston University School of Public Health, on
September 14, 2001
Relayed by Joanne Landy, MPH, MA, Executive Director, PNHP-NYC
Oliver Fein, M.D., Chair, Physicians for a National Health Program, New York Chapter:
"Dear PNHP-NYC members
The unrelenting shock and grief that we all share on experiencing the tragic loss of 5000 lives seems like it will never end. In
The unrelenting shock and grief that we all share on experiencing the tragic loss of 5000 lives seems like it will never end. In
The New York Times
September 12, 2001
"But this is an age when even revenge is complicated, when it is hard to
match the desire for retribution with
Please excuse the apparent insensitivity of the timing of the "Quote of the Day" message. I have just learned of the tragedies in New York
The Baltimore Sun
September 7, 2001
"Business, industry object to $1 billion proposal by coalition" by Diana K. Sugg
"Leaders of a statewide coalition of labor, religious and
The New York Times
August 31, 2001
by Tamar Lewin
"Over the last five years, the number of uninsured women has grown three times faster than the number
The Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health
August, 2001
3. Now I'm going to read you some different health care issues. As I read
The Boston Globe
August 29, 2001
by Liz Kowalczyk
"Managed-care plans have responded to growing political and consumer pressure by loosening their restrictions for everything from elective surgeries
Boston Globe
August 28, 2001
by Liz Kowalczyk
"Several managed-care companies, including Tufts Health Plan in Massachusetts, will introduce plans in 2002 that level a surcharge on consumers
American Medical News
September 3, 2001
"At a time when many managed care companies are losing money and rethinking capitation, health care analysts point to WellPoint Health