Medical Economics
July 9, 2001
A roundtable discussion
Moderator: "What about the proposal that Medicare be used as a model for a new American system?"
George D. Lundberg,
For more than 20 years, PNHP’s Senior Health Policy Fellow Don McCanne, M.D. wrote a daily health policy update, taking an excerpt or quote from a health care news story or analysis and commenting on its significance to the single-payer movement.
PNHP has archived Dr. McCanne’s listserv below; to read current daily analysis on a broad range of health justice topics, please visit the McCanne Health Justice Monitor website.
Medical Economics
July 9, 2001
A roundtable discussion
Moderator: "What about the proposal that Medicare be used as a model for a new American system?"
George D. Lundberg,
Boston Globe
by Benjamin Gedan
"The governor and state legislators will lose their publicly funded health care in 2004 if they do not provide the same coverage
Bush’s Pharmaceutical Cards
Institute for Public Accuracy Washington, D.C.
Thursday, July 12, 2001
Responding to George W. Bush's announcement today supporting discount cards for more Medicare recipients
Bush’s Pharmaceutical Cards
Institute for Public Accuracy Washington, D.C.
Thursday, July 12, 2001
Responding to George W. Bush's announcement today supporting discount cards for more Medicare
The Associated Press
July 11, 2001
by Ron Fournier
"The plan relies on companies that manage drug benefits to buy prescription drugs in bulk. The companies would
Los Angeles Times
July 8, 2001
by John Balzar
"I've been researching opinion polls. Nowhere do I see that Americans are clamoring for more courtroom tedium to
Los Angeles Times
July 8, 2001
by John Balzar
"I've been researching opinion polls. Nowhere do I see that Americans are clamoring for more courtroom tedium to
Portland Press Herald
July 8, 2001
by Allan Drury
An interview with Howard R. Buckley, Mercy Hospital administrator:
Q: How has your thinking evolved over time on the
Portland Press Herald
July 8, 2001
by Allan Drury
An interview with Howard R. Buckley, Mercy Hospital administrator:
Q: How has your thinking evolved over time on the
Health Affairs
July/August 2001
by Marsha Gold
July 6, 2001
The Patients Bill of Rights debate in Washington fails to address the day-to-day fears and concerns of patients. The bill would force
The New York Times
July 6, 2001
To the Editor:
In a June 30 letter, a former chairman and chief executive of Aetna Inc. suggests that people pay