As the economy slows down, and more Americans are facing the potential financial burdens of inadequate health insurance coverage or no coverage at all, it
For more than 20 years, PNHP’s Senior Health Policy Fellow Don McCanne, M.D. wrote a daily health policy update, taking an excerpt or quote from a health care news story or analysis and commenting on its significance to the single-payer movement.
PNHP has archived Dr. McCanne’s listserv below; to read current daily analysis on a broad range of health justice topics, please visit the McCanne Health Justice Monitor website.
As the economy slows down, and more Americans are facing the potential financial burdens of inadequate health insurance coverage or no coverage at all, it
PBS NewsHour – Patients' Rights
July 2, 2001
Patients' Rights
RAY SUAREZ: Dr. Angell (Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine), let me close with you. You've talked
PBS NewsHour – Patients’ Rights
July 2, 2001
Patients' Rights
RAY SUAREZ: Dr. Angell (Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine), let me close with you. You've talked
News Analysis: After Patients' Rights, Vast Needs and Higher Hurdles by Robin Toner
The New York Times
July 2, 2001
Uwe Reinhardt, Princeton University, on the patients' rights legislation:
"I think it was a ridiculous diversion of political energy that distracts
News Analysis: After Patients’ Rights, Vast Needs and Higher Hurdles by Robin Toner
The New York Times
July 2, 2001
Uwe Reinhardt, Princeton University, on the patients' rights legislation:
"I think it was a ridiculous diversion of political energy that distracts
A Nation Longing for a Higher Cause
Los Angeles Times
June 24, 2001
Our national interest has become little more than making it easier for people to pursue their material dreams.
By Neal Gabler, a
Leaders in the fight for access to health care – Letters to the Editor – Medical Economics
Medical Economics
June 18, 2001
Letters to the Editors
I read with interest the April 23 "Memo From the Editor" regarding the roundtable discussion on the state of
Is a Patients' Rights Bill the Cure?
The New York Times
June 26, 2001
To the Editor:
Re "A Wrong Turn on Patients' Rights," by Marcia Angell (Op-Ed, June 23):
Dr. Angell is right when she
Is a Patients’ Rights Bill the Cure?
The New York Times
June 26, 2001
To the Editor:
Re "A Wrong Turn on Patients' Rights," by Marcia Angell (Op-Ed, June 23):
Dr. Angell is right when she
Important comments regarding the Kaiser Family Foundation study on the potential difficulties in obtaining health coverage in the individual insurance market:
Mark Hannay, Director, Metro New York Health Care for All Campaign:
With Battle Set to Begin in Senate Today, Analysts Assess 'Patients' Bill of Rights'
Institue for Public Accuracy
June 19, 2001
Quentin Young, M.D., National coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Program:
"The heart of our problem is the takeover of