Institue for Public Accuracy
June 19, 2001
Quentin Young, M.D., National coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Program:
"The heart of our problem is the takeover of
For more than 20 years, PNHP’s Senior Health Policy Fellow Don McCanne, M.D. wrote a daily health policy update, taking an excerpt or quote from a health care news story or analysis and commenting on its significance to the single-payer movement.
PNHP has archived Dr. McCanne’s listserv below; to read current daily analysis on a broad range of health justice topics, please visit the McCanne Health Justice Monitor website.
Institue for Public Accuracy
June 19, 2001
Quentin Young, M.D., National coordinator of Physicians for a National Health Program:
"The heart of our problem is the takeover of
Edmonde Haddad, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy:
Edmonde Haddad, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy:
Beth Capell, PhD, legislative representative for health care reform:
"We live in a society in which a man who loses a leg to diabetes can get
Oakland Tribune
June 15, 2001
by Lisa Friedman
"1000 California women each year enter state or federally funded detection programs only to find out they have cancer but
The Bush administration is currently considering new names for the Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). American Medical News, a publication of the American Medical
The Seattle Times
June 11, 2001
by Carol M. Ostrum
" ...'defined contribution' health plans are being offered in Washington by (Regence BlueShield)."
"Under the plans' most pure form,
The Seattle Times
June 11, 2001
by Carol M. Ostrum
" ...'defined contribution' health plans are being offered in Washington by (Regence BlueShield)."
"Under the plans' most pure form,
Los Angeles Times
June 8, 2001
by Ellen Braunstein
In "Talking to Americans," Rick Mercer, a Canadian comedian and satirist, travels in the United States "asking people ridiculous
Los Angeles Times
June 8, 2001
by Ellen Braunstein
In "Talking to Americans," Rick Mercer, a Canadian comedian and satirist, travels in the United States "asking people ridiculous
The Washington Post
June 9, 2001
"Health care costs appear to be rising rapidly again after a period in which they were relatively well behaved. Most
The Providence Journal
by Edward Fitzpatrick
"The state's new health insurance subsidy program is off to a slow start with just 33 people enrolling since Rite Share