The New York Times
April 2, 2001
by Gina Kolata
"Most patients paying the full fare have no idea that their bill may be many times that of
For more than 20 years, PNHP’s Senior Health Policy Fellow Don McCanne, M.D. wrote a daily health policy update, taking an excerpt or quote from a health care news story or analysis and commenting on its significance to the single-payer movement.
PNHP has archived Dr. McCanne’s listserv below; to read current daily analysis on a broad range of health justice topics, please visit the McCanne Health Justice Monitor website.
The New York Times
April 2, 2001
by Gina Kolata
"Most patients paying the full fare have no idea that their bill may be many times that of
Los Angeles Times
March 26, 2001
by Linda Marsh
An interview with George D. Lundberg, M.D., former editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association:
Question: To
Kip Sullivan, noted author on health policy:
We should undertake a campaign to stamp out the use of "rationing" to mean "waiting" where no harm is
The New Rules
Winter 2001
by Daniel Kraker
Morton Lowe, M.D., coordinator of health sciences at the University of British Columbia:
"Canada rations by queuing. You have to
Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 20, 1989
Summary of Article 24: Health and health services
"The child has a
United States Senate
Finance Committee
March 15, 2001
Senator John Rockefeller, responding to proposals for tax credits:
"So that if you're going to do health insurance for people, then
The Philadelphia Inquirer
March 16, 2001
by Stacey Burling
"Some experts say the emergency room is being transformed from a last recourse in desperate moments to a place
The Sacramento Bee
March 11, 2001
"Every citizen who can't get health insurance is a black mark against a society that claims to be civilized. But
USA Today
March 14, 2001
View of USA Today: Better planning is needed to avoid pitfalls of last revolution.
Opposing view: Rather than shift rising costs
"And I said this is the only issue (covering the uninsured) I actually take seriously. All the rest of American health policy to me,
"And I said this is the only issue (covering the uninsured) I actually take seriously. All the rest of American health policy to me,
UCLA Center for Health Policy Research
March 2001
by E. Richard Brown, PhD, Ninez Ponce, PhD, & Thomas Rice, PhD
"The state's strong economic growth has enabled more