The Washington Times December 18, 2001 by Guy Taylor “Sparks flew yesterday at the D.C. Council’s public oversight hearing on the D.C. Health Care Alliance, a group of private health care contractors hired by the city last may to replace D.C. General Hospital as the District’s main provider of public health services.” Washington, D.C. council member David A. Catania, at-large Republican: When D.C. General closed, the residents of the District “were promised 34 percent more care at 25 percent less cost – what we’re getting instead is 18 percent less care than we were getting last year at no cost reduction.” Comment: When the conservative Washington Times quotes a Republican council member complaining about a system of privatized health care, we know that history has been made. Now that we agree that the government can increase the efficiency of our health care system, let’s get on with defining the precise role that it should play. (Hint: a publicly administered program of universal health insurance.) This message from Dr. Quentin Young to PNHP members and friends is being forwarded to the members of the “Quote of the Day” list. For many of you, this is a duplicate message, and please accept our apologies for that. Surveys suggest that there is strong support amongst physicians for replacing our defective, inefficient, inequitable, wasteful, fragmented system of health plans with a national health insurance program. The prevailing rhetoric suggests that physicians remain uncomfortable with this approach. There is a pressing need to change the rhetoric to reflect the true level of physician support for reform. This is the purpose of this campaign. For health care justice for all, Don McCanne, M.D. President-Elect, Physicians for a National Health Program ***************************************************** December 18, 2001 Dear PNHP Members and Friends, We need your help. The next issue of the PNHP newsletter (52 pages of articles, updates, and analyses of current health policy and politics) is finally put to bed and at the printer. We hope that you’ll find it as valuable as past issues. While we plan to continue our impressive coast-to-coast educational program, we believe the devastation inflicted by for-profit corporate ascendancy over the health care system has moved a critical mass of our profession into readiness to support single-payer national health insurance. The time is at hand for a major expression from America’s doctors. In 2002, PNHP intends to launch an ambitious new campaign to reach America’s 700,000 physicians with our updated proposal for national health insurance. Obviously this is a great undertaking which will require major resources. Our present funds will allow us to reach only one out of seven doctors. Our goal is to reach every physician.Your tax-deductible gift will allow us to reach more physicians. Please consider donating on-line at or through the mail to PNHP, 29 East Madison, Suite 1412, Chicago, IL 60602. Your newsletter packet will also include a card and return envelope, but with the holiday mail rush, we wanted to make sure you could donate before the end of the tax-year if you wish. Thank you in advance for your generous support. Quentin Young, MD PNHP National Coordinator (312) 782-6006 P.S. For every $100 donated, we can reach 250 more physicians. Please help us reach out and give voice to our profession! ******************************************************* PNHP National Physician Outreach Project, 2002 – Gift Card 29 East Madison, Suite 1412, Chicago, IL 60602 Enclosed is my contribution of: _____ $1000 _____$500 ______$250 _____$100 $_______ Other Form of payment: _____ Mastercard ______ Visa ______ Check (make payable to PNHP) Card # _________________________________________ Exp._______________ Name________________________________________ (e-mail or phone)__________________________ Address ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ (If you wish to be removed from the “Quote of the Day” list, please return this message with the word “Unsubscribe” in the subject line.)