HCA (Hospital Corporation of America)
Press Release
April 14, 2004
HCA Previews First Quarter Results
Jack O. Bovender, Jr., HCA Chairman and CEO:
“As I have commented on many occasions over the past two years, the most significant challenge the hospital industry faces is the growing numbers of uninsured and under-insured in this country. Hospitals have become the ultimate safety net for health care services for the vast majority of America’s more than 44 million uninsured. Unfortunately, this is a cost the hospital industry is increasingly bearing alone. It is time for all sectors of society, both public and private, health care and non-health care, to participate in solving this societal issue, by providing affordable health insurance for all Americans and more equitably sharing this growing cost to society.”
Comment: Some may question the motivation behind this comment by the CEO of the nation’s largest hospital company. Supporting an equitable system of health insurance for all Americans is certainly self-serving for the hospital industry. But wouldn’t it also be self-serving for all of us?
As founders and major shareholders in HCA, hopefully Sen. Frist’s family will listen to their CEO. Enacting a program of health insurance that is universal, equitable, and affordable certainly limits the possibilities for reform. Sen. Frist should discard some of his bad ideas and begin working on reform that benefits us all.