Jim Sykes Announces Health Plan
By bshepard@ktva.com!
Brett Shepard
Tuesday, July 13, 2004 – US Senate candidate Jim Sykes has ambitious plans for Alaska’s health care system if he gets elected.
According to Sykes contributions from medical and insurance companies have dictated the health care platforms for his fellow competitors Tony Knowles and Lisa Murkowski.
He says we need to get the health care money out of the campaign system in order to make progress towards lower cost in the system.
Sykes solution for lower health care cost would be to create a single-payer national health care system.
“We need a single-payer system. Imagine a country, our country I hope, where you can take your health care card, like they do in Canada, and you see the physician y! ou want to see and you get the help you need and it’s payed for by a universal insurance pool. That is what we need.”
Sykes said this system would help control the continually rising cost of health care in this country.
We contacted representatives with the Murkowski campaign and they said this type of system wouldn’t work in the US.
The Knowles campaign representative said one the key components of Knowles campaign to help lower health care cost would be to import drugs from Canada.