In December, 2000, members of this list received a message from Olveen Carrasquillo, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Public Health at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons. The message requested support in expressing opposition to the acceptance by the Society of General Internal Medicine of a grant from the pharmaceutical firm, AstraZeneca, that challenged ethical boundaries. In this message, Dr. Carrasquillo expresses his gratitude for those that supported this successful effort.
Hi Don:
A few months ago you did us a big favor posting in your quote of the day our plea for help in opposing SGIM’s accepting money from Astra-Zeneca. Well it seems we have achieved a small victory. I do not know if it is appropriate to send this out in your site, but I am trying to thank all those who read the message and helped. The message is below. Thanks