The PNHP Student Board Representatives are accepting nominations and self-nominations for Chair positions on the SNaHP Leadership Teams. Three Chair positions are available for the three teams: Education & Base Building Chair, Political Advocacy Chair, and Coalition Building Chair.
The SNaHP Leadership Chairs will serve as point-people for the PNHP Student Board Representatives and the PNHP Board of Directors on their respective teams. Responsibilities will be to assist the National Organizer in setting the team’s call agenda, facilitation of regular conference calls, and assisting the Student Board Representatives in creating the programming for the annual SNaHP Summit. Other duties include creative brainstorming of projects for the Chair’s respective teams and leadership identification of promising health professional student leaders.
Time Commitment:
The SNaHP Leadership Team Chairs must be able to participate in approximately one conference call per month (with flexibility, depending on the team’s current projects) and four planning calls for the SNaHP Summit. Total time commitment expected is approximately two hours per month. It is strongly encouraged that the Chairs be available to attend and take a leadership role in the annual SNaHP Summit (February 14, 2015).
The term length of this position is one calendar year, from November to November. Please send nominations or self-nominations with an optional statement of interest (no more than 200 words please) to no later than Sunday, October 5 at 11:59pm.
SNaHP Leadership Team Chairs must be a current health professional student. Students do not need to have extensive experience with PNHP, but must have enthusiasm about national movement-building for single payer. Forward-thinking, creative students who are eager to suggest and implement new ideas are encouraged to self-nominate. Students of color, women, LGBTQ, and of diverse class background are also particularly encouraged to apply.