Invite a speaker to give a talk to medical students and/or faculty on health care reform. Visit the find a speaker page or call the national office at (312) 782-6006 for help in locating a speaker near you. PNHP has a slide show that has been used for talks to physicians and students and that has been very positively received. It is available to borrow or purchase from the national office.
# Host and evening pizza party with a local PNHP speaker for students interested in national health insurance.
# Arrange a session on health care reform at the next AMSA or other organization meeting.
# Post an article on a student bulletin board.
# Copy and distribute articles on national health insurance to students and faculty.
# Write an op-ed or letter to local papers, your school paper, or legislators.
# Network with students at other universities to discuss activities.
# Participate in meeting held by medical association, church groups, and other civic or student groups on health care reform.
# Let local press and other organizations working on health care reform know that you are willing to speak out about the flaws in the current system and the need for universal coverage and national health insurance.
# Form a student chapter of PNHP or get involved with another student group (such as AMSA) that supports national health insurance.
# Get in touch with the PNHP contact person in your area and attend a local chapter meeting.