Find below a selection of slideshows and handouts from PNHP’s 2012 Annual Meeting.
2012 Annual Meeting Morning Presentation Annual Meeting Main Session
Slideshow: PNHP Short Set and PNHP Long Set By Drs. David Himmelstein and Steffie Woolhandler
2012 Annual Meeting Morning Presentation (Alternate Visuals)
Annual Meeting Main Session
Slideshow: PNHP Short Set and PNHP Long Set By Dr. Ed Weisbart
The Single-Payer Movement in California Annual Meeting Main Session
Slideshow: The California Single-Payer Movement By Dr. Paul Song
The Single-Payer Movement in Hawaii Annual Meeting Main Session
Slideshow: Hawaii’s Strategy to get to Single-Payer By Dr. Stephen Kemble
Funding Single-Payer in the United States Annual Meeting Main Session
PDF: Funding H.R. 676 By Dr. Gerald Friedman
Promoting Single-Payer through Media Outreach Workshop
Slideshow: PNHP Media Outreach By Drs. Garrett Adams, Linda Lieb, and Ed Weisbart
International Health Systems: Models for Reform Workshop
Slideshow: International Health Systems By Dr. Claudia Chaufan
Taiwan Workshop
Slideshow: Health Care Justice: Lessons from Taiwan By Dr. Claudia Chaufan
Defining the Message Workshop
Slideshow: Health Care as a Human Right Dr. Jeoffry Gordon
US Health Care in Perspective Workshop
Slideshow: Comparative Health Systems By Dr. Donald Light
State Single-Payer Efforts Workshop
Slideshow: Maryland By Dr. Eric Naumburg
The Mental Healthcare Crisis and Single-Payer Workshop
Slideshow: The Mental Healthcare Crisis and Single-Payer By Dr. Pippa Abston
Social Media Workshop
Slideshow: Social Media and Single Payer Activism By Stanton Shek
Chapter Organizing Workshop
Slideshow: Building an Effective Chapter of PNHP By Drs. Ed Weisbart, Linda Lieb, Ann Settgast, and Elizabeth Frost
Medicare Workshop
Slideshow: Medicare Reform? Privatization, Premium Support and Single Payer By Dr. Oli Fein
Future of Health Care Reform Workshop
Slideshow: Health Care Reform: We’re not Finished Yet By Dr. Walter Tsou
Medicine and Public Health Workshop
Slideshow: Lessons for PNHP from Cuba, Other Latin American Countries, and Asia By Dr. Howard Waitzkin