…government comes into power, it will likely lead to a new debate over comprehensive healthcare reform, and I predict over Medicare for All as well,” Gaffney said. “It’s not enough…
When your emergency physician is out of your network
…customary rates” in the area. But in most states, doctors can then bill patients for the difference between their charge and what the insurer paid. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/29/us/costs-can-go-up-fast-when-er-is-in-network-but-the-doctors-are-not.html Center for Public Policy…
Narrow networks benefit insurers, not patients
Kept in the Dark About Doctors, but Having to Pick a Health Plan
…the quality of doctors in each insurance plan. A typical plan, even a narrow one, may have a network of hundreds or thousands of physicians. https://www.nytimes.com… NYT Reader Comment: By…
In-network providers are often not available
Out-of-Network Physicians: How Prevalent Are Involuntary Use and Cost Transparency?
…emergent problems or limited in-hospital physician networks. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1475-6773.12007/abstract Comment: By Don McCanne, M.D. An important role of private health insurers is to control prices through provider contracting. The current trend…
Provider clout driving up private insurance prices
…Commercial Index 2.72% – S&P Healthcare Economic Medicare Index 3.55% – S&P Professional Services Medicare Index 1.94% – S&P Hospital Medicare Index http://www.standardandpoors.com/indices/sp-healthcare-economic-indices/en/us/?indexId=sp-healthcare-economic-indices This Health Affairs article explains how health…
Complexity of annual enrollment decisions
…choice by Dec. 15. Check Out New Standardized Plans Next year, healthcare.gov will join several state-based marketplaces in offering standardized plans that are expected to help consumers make apples-to-apples comparisons…
Health insurers’ warped approach to competition
…gain more experience with marketplace competition. http://www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/issue-briefs/2015/jun/insurers-aca-first-year **** Comment: By Don McCanne, M.D. What should the consumer expect from marketplace competition? Business experts tell us that competition is the key…
What does the 13% average Covered California premium increase mean for the rest of us?
…subsidies may find that the burden is not too great. In changing plans, many will have to disrupt their current care since their new plans will have different provider networks….
More on a business case for universal health care
…the United States. What is becoming increasingly clear now is that the current employer-sponsored healthcare system in the United States does hurt business. http://jts.hbp.com/pdf/design/135358_AU_HLP_3.pdf **** Comment: By Don McCanne, MD…
'The health bills in Congress are not real reform'
…is not a solution. DH: The private health insurance industry would be very much strengthened with $500 billion in new money coming their way, much of it in the form…
‘The health bills in Congress are not real reform’
…is not a solution. DH: The private health insurance industry would be very much strengthened with $500 billion in new money coming their way, much of it in the form…
‘The health bills in Congress are not real reform’
…is not a solution. DH: The private health insurance industry would be very much strengthened with $500 billion in new money coming their way, much of it in the form…