…common driver of American bankruptcy. Why has our free market failed so miserably? Perhaps because health care cannot and will not be solved by the free market. The largest health…
Gawande's pseudo-pragmatism
…to get there that start from where we are. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/01/26/090126fa_fact_gawande Atul Gawande is a highly respected physician who has a well deserved reputation as a gifted writer. This commentary should…
Reason's Matt Welch on French health care
…Reason’s editor in chief.) http://reason.com/archives/2009/12/07/why-prefer-french-health-care Reason magazine is a publication of Reason Foundation, a libertarian organization advancing “free minds and free markets.” In this refreshing moment of candor, Reason’s editor…
…only occasionally in his comic-relief role as the clueless buffoon who can’t seem to grasp that healthcare in all those other countries is free, or virtually so. When he’s eating…
Even the rich suffer from America’s wack healthcare system
…details is really hard because the system is extraordinarily complex. Indeed, I think the complexity is a feature, not a bug. It’s a way for people who thrive on the…
Gawande's pseudo-pragmatism
Getting There from Here: How should Obama reform health care?
…perfection. But we can have transformation — which is to say, a health-care system that works. And there are ways to get there that start from where we are. http://www.newyorker.com/reporting/2009/01/26/090126fa_fact_gawande…
…only occasionally in his comic-relief role as the clueless buffoon who can’t seem to grasp that healthcare in all those other countries is free, or virtually so. When he’s eating…
The moneylenders move in
Doctors Offering No-Interest Loans to Patients
…the bill. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/08/30/business/30medloan.html?_r=2&hp=&oref=slogin&pagewanted=all Comment: By Don McCanne, MD More rhetoric from the marketplace. Are these interest-free loans really free? Not when your complicit health care provider gives your cash discount…
Single-Payer: Good for Business
…where health-insurance benefits accounted for a comparatively large share of total employee compensation, job growth was slower than in industries where they accounted for a smaller one. Thus, in the…
Reason’s Matt Welch on French health care
…Reason’s editor in chief.) http://reason.com/archives/2009/12/07/why-prefer-french-health-care Comment: By Don McCanne, MD Reason magazine is a publication of Reason Foundation, a libertarian organization advancing “free minds and free markets.” In this refreshing…
Higher-income uninsured do not receive recommended services
…uninsured and using fewer recommended health care services, but the effect of lacking insurance was more pronounced for the higher-income uninsured than the lower-income uninsured. Moreover, when using the comparison…
U.S. Will Offer Doctors Free Electronic Records System
…Dr. Toppenberg’s newly installed computer program let him see the man’s record immediately, on a computer screen. After examining the man and diagnosing a probable torn muscle, Dr. Toppenberg sent…