Former U.S. Surgeon General: We’re Not Ready as a Nation for Single-Payer Healthcare; High Medical Debt ‘Obliterating Our Country’s Future’, MedPage Today, June 4-5, 2024,
The McCanne Health Justice Monitor is produced by a team of health policy experts and single-payer champions. For more information, and a complete archive of entries, visit the HJM website. For an archive of Quote of the Day entries from Dr. Don McCanne, click here.
Health Care Cost Burden for Privately Insured
Financial Burden of Health Care in the Privately Insured US Population, JAMA Internal Medicine, May 28, 2024, by Sukreth A. Shashikumer, et al.
Improving health care
Medicare Advantage Profits Decline, Patients at Risk
The Medicare Bubble Has Burst; Government health-insurance program had been a gold mine for private insurers until recently, Wall Street Journal, May 17, 2024, by
Saving Veterans Health Care
Privatization Warning, The American Prospect, April 11, 2024, by Suzanne Gordon and Steve Early
A VA advisory panel issues a red alert on outsourcing.
In response to
Bernie on Medicare for All
The day will come when we will succeed in making health care a human right, YouTube video (7 min), May 23, 2024, by Bernie Sanders
Surgeon General Misses the Diagnosis: Terminally Ill Insurance Structure
I’m a Former Surgeon General and I Couldn’t Believe My $10k Medical Bill, MedPage Today, May 17, 2024, by Jerome Adams, M.D., M.P.H.
While attending a
Insured Percent Up; Care Affordability Plunging
Health costs threaten to overshadow Biden’s historic coverage gains, Axios, May 14, 2024, by Caitlin Owens
President Biden has come closer than any of his Democratic
Reversing Vertical Merger-Mania in Health Care
Medicare Advantage and Vertical Consolidation in Health Care, American Economic Liberties Project, April 30, 2024, by Hayden Rooke-Ley
[HJM Editor: Today’s excerpt is dense with policy,
The Synergy of Clinical and Social Care in the US
Money as Medicine – Clinicism, Cash Transfers, and the Political-Economic Determinants of Health, New England Journal of Medicine, April 10, 2024, by Eric Reinhart
[HJM bolding]
News Flash: Other Wealthy Nations Have Better Health Coverage Than U.S.
Rethinking Health Care from a Global Perspective: Looking Abroad, The Commonwealth Fund Blog, May 2, 2024, by Aaron Carroll
All other high-income countries have adopted a
Philip R. Lee’s 1986 Call for National Health Insurance
This Date in UCSF History: National Health Insurance Ahead?, Synapse, UCSF Student Voices, April 23, 2024
(Originally authored by Dr. Philip R. Lee — a UCSF professor
Cutting Back Medicare & Medicaid Would Kill Tens of Thousands
Study: Proposed changes to Medicare, Medicaid could cost thousands of lives, Yale News, April 22, 2024, by Mallory Locklear
Proposed changes to the United States’ Medicare