Summary: This study used a national survey to document high levels of uninsurance among vulnerable populations after ACA implementation, especially in states not choosing to
The McCanne Health Justice Monitor is produced by a team of health policy experts and single-payer champions. For more information, and a complete archive of entries, visit the HJM website. For an archive of Quote of the Day entries from Dr. Don McCanne, click here.
Californians Crave Single Payer!
Summary: Three diverse California groups – doctors in training, low income populations, and leaders of community-based organizations — recently showed high support for single payer.
If USC is ready for single payer, it’s time!
Summary: The University of Southern California medical school is often regarded as high class. But at least two of its current top leaders share health
Allowing For-Profit Hospice: The Worst Health Policy Idea Ever?
Summary: For-profit ownership has reached two-thirds of hospice agencies. Yet for-profit status is associated with fewer services, less clinically skilled staff, more formal complaints, more
Crowdsource ideas on government role in single payer
Summary: Today is an experiment: crowdsource day at Health Justice Monitor! We know that HJM readers think about healthcare reform and discuss it with family
Am I a Single Payer Zealot?
Summary: Yes, I am.
Health Care Unions Defending Newsom From Recall Will Want Single-Payer Payback, KHN (Kaiser Health News), September 13, 2021, by Angela Hart
Bob Ross,
A public option would perpetuate our highly dysfunctional financing system
Summary: Jacob Hacker proposes Public Option 2.0 as part of Medicare and integrated into ACA marketplaces. He says it would pave the way for Medicare
American College of Physicians on For-Profit Medicine; Mortality from For-Profit Dialysis
Summary: Investor-owned care, with a focus on profit, has permeated U.S. health care. The American College of Physicians critiques this trend, but avoids a clear
Remembering 9/11 and Social Cohesion
By Jim Kahn, M.D., M.P.H.
Today is the 20th anniversary of the airborne terrorist attacks on the NYC Twin Towers and other US targets. The terrible
“But can the government afford it?”: The wrong question for Medicare for All
Summary: Modern Monetary Theory establishes the principles that can — indeed must — guide the federal government’s spending on essential population needs, like universal health
Driving Physician Burnout: Corporate Takeover & Value-Based Care
Summary: A survey of 700 US primary care physicians found burnout much less likely in solo and physician-owned (non-corporate) practices and much more likely with
Texas Bans Nearly All Abortions
Summary: Texas passed a ban on all abortions after 6 weeks, enlisting citizens to enforce it. This week, the U.S. Supreme Court let the law