…Medicare Advantage plans and traditional Medicare as each sector evolves. http://kff.org/medicare/report/what-do-we-know-about-health-care-access-and-quality-in-medicare-advantage-versus-the-traditional-medicare-program/ **** An Emerging Consensus: Medicare Advantage Is Working And Can Deliver Meaningful Reform By Thomas Miller and James Capretta…
Is Austin Frakt right that Medicare Advantage may be worth the extra cost?
…Mr. Newhouse and Mr. McGuire hedge but lean favorably toward Medicare Advantage, saying cuts in its “plan payments may be shortsighted.” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/19/upshot/medicare-advantage-is-more-expensive-but-it-may-be-worth-it.html?rref=upshot&abt=0002&abg=1 **** How Successful Is Medicare Advantage? By Joseph…
Medicare Dis-Advantage: Overpayments and Inequity
The very “choice” that Medicare Advantage is said to offer is undermining Medicare’s promise of equal and universal care for seniors.
…Advantage, which really opened the floodgates to insurers. Since then, the share of seniors enrolled in the privatized Medicare Advantage plans has progressively risen, topping 50 percent for the first…
CMS gives another boost to Medicare Advantage plans
Fact Sheet: Moving Medicare Advantage and Part D Forward Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), April 6, 2015 On April 6, CMS released final updates to the Medicare Advantage…
Private Medicare Advantage insurers are scamming the nation again
…announcement and final call letter for Medicare Advantage and prescription drug benefit (Part D) programs. Payments to Medicare Advantage Plans: * CMS estimates that the overall net change to plan…
CMS is marketing private Medicare Advantage plans
Trump Administration Peppers Inboxes With Plugs for Private Medicare Plans
…sounded “more like Medicare Advantage plan advertising than objective information from a public agency.” https://www.nytimes.com… Medicare Advantage Checkup By Patricia Neuman, Sc.D., and Gretchen A. Jacobson, Ph.D. The New England…
Medicare recipients should look beyond ‘benefits’ of Medicare Advantage plans
…Advantage companies. In addition, patients who switch from Medicare Advantage to traditional Medicare may encounter obstacles. Upcoding of diagnoses. The capitation that Medicare Advantage plans receive from the government is…
The Medicare Advantage Influence Machine
…to the Medicare Advantage industry and then returned to the agency. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said Medicare Advantage fraud “is wasting taxpayer dollars to the tune of billions.” “The question…
Medicare Advantage Places Us at a Disadvantage
…“The payment model is different so we can’t take as many Medicare Advantage beneficiaries. Traditional Medicare is better.” “Medicare Advantage plans typically offer less coverage.” “Medicare Advantage plans can be…
Washington insiders crossing the line in defense of Medicare Advantage
…Advantage AHIP, March 13, 2014 http://www.ahipcoverage.com/2014/03/13/204-members-of-congress-sign-new-… **** What They Are Saying: Bipartisan Group of 262 Members of Congress Urges CMS to Protect Seniors in Medicare Advantage AHIP, March 28, 2014…
Private Medicare Advantage insurers are scamming the nation again
…announcement and final call letter for Medicare Advantage and prescription drug benefit (Part D) programs. Payments to Medicare Advantage Plans: * CMS estimates that the overall net change to plan…
Beware of Medicare Advantage for All
AHIP19: Cigna's Cordani says it's time to press pause on 'Medicare-for-All' talk—but change is necessary
…about a very specific part of a proposal that said that there would be no private insurance, there would be no Medicare Advantage. We believe very firmly that Medicare Advantage…