By Christina Zhao
Newsweek, November 10, 2020
Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, a possible Labor secretary candidate in President-elect Joe Biden’s administration, on Tuesday said public support for the Green New Deal and Medicare for All was won at the polls.
Sandersâwho ran off the promise of universal health care and policies to combat climate change in the 2020 Democratic raceâhas insisted that widespread public support for the policies championed by progressives were apparent through the results of the presidential race.
“112 co-sponsors of Medicare for All were on the ballot. All of them won. 98 co-sponsors of the Green New Deal were on the ballot. Only 1 lost,” the senator tweeted. “Supporting Medicare for All and the Green New Deal is not just good public policy. It is also good politics.”
By Don McCanne, M.D.
Those who contend that Medicare for All caused a poor showing in the election are going to have to explain this one. All 112 co-sponsors of the Medicare for All Act of 2019 who were on the ballot won re-election!
Although many polls show support for Medicare for All, the one taken on election day is the one that really counts.
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