Summary: In 2012, advocates in Connecticut won a battle to switch from the predominant implementation model for Medicaid – capitated managed care organizations owned by
The McCanne Health Justice Monitor is produced by a team of health policy experts and single-payer champions. For more information, and a complete archive of entries, visit the HJM website. For an archive of Quote of the Day entries from Dr. Don McCanne, click here.
Medicaid News Noise
Summary: Scanning the Google news feed about Medicaid on any random day reveals scores of articles on a wide range of topics: from fraud to
Do Super PACs Pack a Punch for Single Payer?
Summary: Despite majority support, single payer faces huge political obstacles. In response, Joseph Q. Jarvis, a longstanding family and public health physician, proposes a political
Medical Debt Multi-Generational Affliction
Summary: Medical debt is common and iatrogenic*, induced by un- and under-insurance. A new survey confirms that it has serious consequences, most of all for
Medicaid Coverage Turmoil as COVID Pandemic Eases
Summary: With federal protections for Medicaid coverage during the public health emergency winding down, states are aiming for an orderly “redetermination” process. Translation: orderly ousting
Pharmacy Carve-Outs: How to Make Privatized Medicaid Even Worse
Summary: California recently inserted a private pharmacy benefits plan into Medi-Cal, despite evidence from other states that it adds costs. Thousands of patients have suffered
GOP Subversion of Democracy Curtails Abortion Rights
Summary: Yesterday was the end of the Roe era of federal protection of abortion rights. This is the culmination of decades of GOP anti-democratic efforts
Medi-Cal Expansion Not Enough
Summary: California’s Medi-Cal expansion for undocumented immigrants is laudatory … but is just a partial fix, leaving millions uncovered. It falls profoundly short of what
Single Payer Savings in California
Summary: An excellent commentary in The Nation reviews the cost advantages of single payer in California and generally, the current health care cost explosion, and
VA Better than Private Care on Mortality & Costs
Summary: An excellent study using a sophisticated research design (geeks: instrumental variable) finds that Veteran’s Affairs care lowers mortality by nearly half and costs by
Fee-for-Service vs. Capitation
Summary: Today we take a step back to consider a pivotal issue that arises in discussions of health reform generally and single payer specifically: Which
COVID-19 “Urgency of Normal” vs. Public Health Science
Summary: As the COVID Omicron variant subsides, and schools cautiously reopen, a tiny but vocal group of doctors is arguing to end all precautions, including