Summary: Today we summarize what single payer offers, and the challenges to achieving it, using the arbitrary framework of 20-item lists. (With President’s Day on
The McCanne Health Justice Monitor is produced by a team of health policy experts and single-payer champions. For more information, and a complete archive of entries, visit the HJM website. For an archive of Quote of the Day entries from Dr. Don McCanne, click here.
Hospital Price Skirmishes vs. Solidarity-Driven Transformation
Summary: In Connecticut, a large hospital system is being sued to stop anti-competitive practices that raise prices for insurers, employers, and patients. Good, as far
Single Payer is Free Love
By Jim Kahn, M.D., M.P.H.
Let me explain today's title. It's not what some of you Boomers who remember the 1960s and 1970s might think.
Providing access
Advocacy is an Essential Skill in Health Justice
Summary: Advocacy is a skill set usually overlooked in public health training. A new blog makes the compelling case that advocacy courses should be mandatory,
Lessons from the Demise of AB 1400
Summary: The recent non-vote defeat of California’s single payer bill, AB 1400, generated much scrutiny, soul-searching, and opining. We offer a survey. Prescriptions range widely:
“Please… Single Payer, before I Die.”
Summary: We desperately desire single payer in our lifetimes, with its moral clarity, equity, efficiency, and improved health. Yet some of us are older, and
Rising Underinsurance in Children
Summary: National child health survey data reveal that underinsurance (lack of continuous and adequate insurance) rose from 31% in 2016 to 34% in 2019 —
COVID Health Care Worker Stress and Response
Summary: Broad evidence documents an exodus of health care workers from various clinical settings due to COVID-related work stresses and frustration with employers’ responses. The
Why Do We Tolerate Our Broken Health Care System?
Summary: A health care journalist describes in detail his fight to get insulin after changing jobs. The story underscores the absurdity and dangers of our
Alert: Past & Present Privatization of Medicare
Summary: Medicare’s privatization has two phases. Past: Medicare Advantage, an explicit option for enrollees to join private for-profit capitated health plans, with the promise of
California Single Payer Legislation AB 1400
Summary: Excitement in California, the most populous state in the US and very progressive: single payer legislation is forging ahead. AB 1400 passed out of
A Libertarian Appreciates Public Health Insurance
Summary: Conservative columnist Ross Douthat of the NY Times wrote this week about his shifting views on health insurance. He evolved from supporting a fully